Role: Lead Product Designer
Team: 2 Product Managers, 7 Developers, 1 QA Engineer
Product: iOS App / Android App / Desktop (

Lead consumer designer for a 0-1 a new homeowner experience tailored to the 86 million homeowners in the United States. Resulting in the first $1 million dollar consumer contract with JP Morgan Chase.

We proposed the homeowner experience during a hackathon project  

As I was working on the overall Comehome experience at HouseCanary, we proposed Comehome's homeowner experience during a hackathon project to get leadership and stakeholder buy in.

Resulting in the first $1 million dollar consumer contract with JP Morgan Chase.


Help Users
How do we help homeowners decide on their next real estate decision? 

Help Businesses
Partnering and integrating with banks for refinancing and lead generation. Help investors build out their consumer experience.

Help HouseCanary
Grow business to support consumers and add additional methods of monetization to a B2B focused business.

The problem 

How do we help homeowners decide on their next real-estate decision? 

Top Interested
‍‍1. Reduce Property Expense
2. Lower Property taxes
3. Repairs
4. Improve to own

Not Interested
1. Rental information
2. Pay off loan

HouseCanary's competitive advantage lies in our home data and potential home improvement forecasting


User Feedback

Feedback Addressed

Addressed the low discovery of homeowner by allowing a preview of the homeowner experience

Security concern addressed by
incorporating verification questions

Learnings & Successes

User analytics showed that tax and solar savings were least used. We refocused the design on cost savings and home improvement scenarios as core features, which showed positive engagement results. We will continue to use NPS scores to track success of the product.

Comehome Website